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Ihre Suche nach  - Fachgebiet: Handchirurgie  ergab 50 Treffer.  Suche verfeinern   
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Medientyp 100 Hand Cases
Boyer, Martin; Chang, James Details  

2016, CRC Press | Thieme, 272 S., 100 col. ills.

ISBN: 1-62623-660-7, ISBN-13: 9781626236608
100 Hand Cases provides a clinical write-up of 100 typical cases from two globally recognized authorities who cross over between plastic surgery and...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 119,99 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Anatomie und Biomechanik der Hand
Hirt, Bernhard; Seyhan, Harun; Wagner, Michael Details  

4., aktualisierte Auflage, 2022, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 131 Seiten, 134 Illustrationen, eRef, 28 cm, 530 g

ISBN: 3-13-243206-7, ISBN-13: 978-3-13-243206-2
Anatomisches Fachwissen: Umfassend - anschaulich - praxisnah

Fundierte Kenntnisse der Anatomie und Biomechanik der Hand sind die Grundlage für eine gute...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  Physiotherapie  
Details 69,99 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp The Art of Microsurgical Hand Reconstruction
Slutsky, David Details  

1. Aufl., 2013, Thieme Medical Publishers /KNO VA, 504 pp., 807 ills.

ISBN: 1-60406-776-4, ISBN-13: 978-1-60406-776-7
Written by leading hand surgeons from around the world, The Art of Microsurgical Hand Reconstruction is a visually detailed, content-rich atlas packed with all...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 214,99 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Articular Injury of the Wrist
FESSH 2014 Instructional Course Book
Garcia-Elias, Marc; Mathoulin, Christophe Details  

2014, Thieme, 184 pp., 273 ills.

ISBN: 3-13-174621-1, ISBN-13: 9783131746214
Hand and wrist injuries account for millions of emergency room visits each year. Although the most frequent type of articular wrist injury involves the distal...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 134,99 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Basis OP's
TOP 10 in der Handchirurgie

mit Zugang zum Elsevier-Portal
Spanholtz, Timo; Giunta, Riccardo Details  

1. Aufl., 2013, Elsevier, 144 S., 189 Farbabb.

Reihe: Basis-OP's
ISBN: 3-437-22906-0, ISBN-13: 978-3-437-22906-0
Preisreduziert zum 23.03.2016. Vorher Euro 99,99
Bereiten Sie sich gezielt auf plastische und handchirurgische Operationen vor! Die Top 10 in der...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 46,00 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Bildgebende Diagnostik der Hand
Schmitt, Rainer; Lanz, Ulrich Details  

3. Aufl., 2014, Thieme, ca. 720 S., ca. 1.867 Abb. + Online-Videos

ISBN: 3-13-128723-3, ISBN-13: 978-3-13-128723-6
Der State of the Art der bildgebenden Diagnostik der Hand:
+ Der verlässliche Standard für eine der topografisch schwierigsten Regionen
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  Muskuloskelettales System  
Details 137,99 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Checkliste Handchirurgie
Hoffmann, Reimer Details  

4. Aufl., 2016, Thieme, ca. 432 S., ca. 692 Abb.

ISBN: 3-13-102424-0, ISBN-13: 9783131024244
Geballtes Expertenwissen für Ihre Weiterbildung zum Handchirurgen!
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 81,99 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Clinical Management of the Rheumatoid Hand, Wrist, and Elbow
Chung, Kevin C. Details  

2016, Springer, 330 pp., 264 ills. -178 in col.

ISBN: 3-319-26658-6, ISBN-13: 978-3-319-26658-9
Provides sequential technical approaches to managing rheumatoid arthritis in the hand, wrist, and elbow
​​Includes detailed content on various...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  Schulter | Ellenbogen-Chirurgie  
Details 181,89 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Congenital Hand Differences and Associated Syndromes
Rayan, Ghazi M.; Upton, Joseph Details  

2014, Springer Berlin, ca. 350 pp., ca. 300 ills. -280 in col.

ISBN: 3-642-54609-9, ISBN-13: 978-3-642-54609-9
Physicians often have only partial knowledge of common congenital hand and upper extremity anomalies and their associated syndromes. Surgeons typically find...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 213,99 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Congenital Malformations of the Hand and Forearm -
Buck-Gramcko Details  

1998, Churchill Livingstone, 580 pp.,, 1.080 ills.,

ISBN: 0-443-03560-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-443-03560-9
A comprehensive reference work on common and unusual congenital malformations affecting the upper extremity. For each deformity, the aetiology and incidence...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  Plastische Chirurgie  
Details 129,00 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Disorders of the Hand
Volume 1: Hand Injuries
Trail, I.A.; Fleming, A.N. Details  

2015, Springer London, 474 pp., 301 ills. -165 in col.

ISBN: 1-4471-6553-5, ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-6553-8
Disorders of the Hand contains contributions from many of the hand surgeons who are at the forefront of this evolving area in the management of both elective...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 160,49 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Disorders of the Hand
4 Volume SET
Trail, I.A.; Fleming, A.N. Details  

2015, Springer London, 1.200 pp, 1.177 ills. -698 in col.

ISBN: 1-4471-6601-9, ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-6601-6
This volume set comes at a time when significant advances in the understanding of hand disorders have resulted in vast improvements in the quality of life for...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 426,93 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Disorders of the Hand
Volume 4: Swelling, Tumours, Congenital Hand Defects and Surgical Techniques
Trail, I.A.; Fleming, A.N. Details  

2015, Springer London, 280 pp, 181 ills. -113 in col.

ISBN: 1-4471-6562-4, ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-6562-0
Disorders of the Hand contains contributions from many of the hand surgeons who are at the forefront of this evolving area in the management of both elective...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 139,09 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Disorders of the Hand
olume 3: Inflammation, Arthritis and Contractures
Trail, I.A.; Fleming, A.N. Details  

2015, Springer London, 261 pp, 142 ills. -79 in col.

ISBN: 1-4471-6556-X, ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-6556-9
Disorders of the Hand contains contributions from many of the hand surgeons who are at the forefront of this evolving area in the management of both elective...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 139,09 €
3-5 Tage

Medientyp Disorders of the Hand
Volume 2: Hand Reconstruction and Nerve Compression
Trail, I.A.; Fleming, A.N. Details  

2015, Springer London, 304 pp, 167 ills. -108 in col.

ISBN: 1-4471-6559-4, ISBN-13: 978-1-4471-6559-0
Disorders of the Hand contains contributions from many of the hand surgeons who are at the forefront of this evolving area in the management of both elective...
Fachgebiete: Handchirurgie  
Details 139,09 €
3-5 Tage

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Neuerscheinungen: erschienen im laufenden Jahr oder Vorjahr