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Redaelli, Alessio::
Botulinum Toxin A in Aesthetic Medicine. With Treatment for Hyperhidrosis and in Odontostomatology, Basic Principles and Clinical Practice,
Preis: 180,00 Euro
Verlag: Florenz, Officina Editoriale Oltrarno Florenz
Erscheinungsdatum: 11/2010
Seiten: figs., tabs., 303 pp.,
ISBN-10: 88-905033-1-9
ISBN-13: 9788890503313
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Botulinum Toxin A in Aesthetic Medicine. With Treatment for Hyperhidrosis and in Odontostomatology, Basic Principles and Clinical Practice,
Preis: 180,00 Euro
Verlag: Florenz, Officina Editoriale Oltrarno Florenz
Erscheinungsdatum: 11/2010
Seiten: figs., tabs., 303 pp.,
ISBN-10: 88-905033-1-9
ISBN-13: 9788890503313
» In den Warenkorb

Die Leseprobe zum durchblättern.
Here we go again! Another book about Botulinum toxin A!
What can still be said, after the plentiful Italian and foreign books published, also lately, by important international authors? As a matter of fact, thanks to Internet and the globalization, it is certainly easier to take advantage of the experience of far-away authors.
Botulinum toxin A, though, is the most commonly used among the substances today and clearly in greater evolution. Surely what I would have written a few years ago, and I've written, changed radically, and there is no doubt that the biggest changes occurred in the last two or three years. In particular, the treatment of areas until recently untouched and potentially dangerous, such as the perioral region, has opened new horizons, with results completely dependent on the technique, dosages and injection sites that must be absolutely perfect, to adapt to each individual patient. For this reason, the study of patients, their behaviors, and their facial mimicry has become crucial in order to obtain natural results and to avoid side effects that might be, sometimes, very bothersome.
Very important, as well, is the attitude of each individual author, different in many aspects, from other authors also of great prestige. Personal philosophy is in fact fundamental in interventional standpoints, and in a large quantity of patients helps to figure out where not to ahead in order to avoid sneaky, sometimes invisible, danger. For this reason, when I read a new text on a subject so widely treated as Botulinum toxin, I always find some aspects that I hadn't seen or investigated, and that makes me realize something, maybe incredibly intuitive, but that until then I had not fully understood. Therefore, even someone like me, who has been dealing with Botulinum toxin for so long- when still few in Italy were familiar with the use, and when still its use was not authorized and fully encoded- can always find an enlightening side.....
In this new book I made an effort to offer news and fields of interest also for old users of this technique, e.g. the study section of the facial musculature mimicry, where I tried to study the muscles in relation to their function, fully evaluating the mimicry in order to understand its evolution after treatments. In fact, with Botulinum toxin treatment, we shouldn't think of every single muscle, but the whole complex of the facial muscles that changes the reciprocal relations of forces, in most cases improving the aesthetics of the patients, but sometimes worsening it (think of the annoying and common to see "Mefisto look", due, in most cases, to such a preliminary evaluation error and insufficient study).
I hope my effort may well be of help to all colleagues who daily, like me, have to face the difficult task of rejuvenate in "correct" and natural way their patients. As always I haven't spared the suggestions, those that I use daily, to avoid problems.
And, as usual, I urge everyone to love modest results, sometimes insufficient but always increasable, and avoid instead results much more glaring but potentially unsafe.
I always say in all my classes, the risk, if possible, should get closer to "zero", and or rather be "below zero".
Alessio Redaelli
What can still be said, after the plentiful Italian and foreign books published, also lately, by important international authors? As a matter of fact, thanks to Internet and the globalization, it is certainly easier to take advantage of the experience of far-away authors.
Botulinum toxin A, though, is the most commonly used among the substances today and clearly in greater evolution. Surely what I would have written a few years ago, and I've written, changed radically, and there is no doubt that the biggest changes occurred in the last two or three years. In particular, the treatment of areas until recently untouched and potentially dangerous, such as the perioral region, has opened new horizons, with results completely dependent on the technique, dosages and injection sites that must be absolutely perfect, to adapt to each individual patient. For this reason, the study of patients, their behaviors, and their facial mimicry has become crucial in order to obtain natural results and to avoid side effects that might be, sometimes, very bothersome.
Very important, as well, is the attitude of each individual author, different in many aspects, from other authors also of great prestige. Personal philosophy is in fact fundamental in interventional standpoints, and in a large quantity of patients helps to figure out where not to ahead in order to avoid sneaky, sometimes invisible, danger. For this reason, when I read a new text on a subject so widely treated as Botulinum toxin, I always find some aspects that I hadn't seen or investigated, and that makes me realize something, maybe incredibly intuitive, but that until then I had not fully understood. Therefore, even someone like me, who has been dealing with Botulinum toxin for so long- when still few in Italy were familiar with the use, and when still its use was not authorized and fully encoded- can always find an enlightening side.....
In this new book I made an effort to offer news and fields of interest also for old users of this technique, e.g. the study section of the facial musculature mimicry, where I tried to study the muscles in relation to their function, fully evaluating the mimicry in order to understand its evolution after treatments. In fact, with Botulinum toxin treatment, we shouldn't think of every single muscle, but the whole complex of the facial muscles that changes the reciprocal relations of forces, in most cases improving the aesthetics of the patients, but sometimes worsening it (think of the annoying and common to see "Mefisto look", due, in most cases, to such a preliminary evaluation error and insufficient study).
I hope my effort may well be of help to all colleagues who daily, like me, have to face the difficult task of rejuvenate in "correct" and natural way their patients. As always I haven't spared the suggestions, those that I use daily, to avoid problems.
And, as usual, I urge everyone to love modest results, sometimes insufficient but always increasable, and avoid instead results much more glaring but potentially unsafe.
I always say in all my classes, the risk, if possible, should get closer to "zero", and or rather be "below zero".
Alessio Redaelli
Chapter 1 – History Of Botulinum Toxin
Chapter 2 – Mimic Facial Muscles And Espressiveness
Chapter 3 – Physiology Of Muscle Contraction
And Mechanism Of Action
Chapter 4 – Diluition And Preparation
Chapter 5 – Injection Technique
The Upper Third Of The Face
- The Forehead
- The Glabella
- The Periocular Wrinkles
The Middle Third Of The Face
- The Tip Of The Sagging Nose
- The Bunny Lines
- The Cheek Mesolift
The Lower Third Of The Face
- The Mouth And The “Bar Code” Wrinkles
- The Chin
- The Mandibular Border
- The Neck
Chapter 6 – Axillary Hyperidrosis, Of The Palms and Soles
Chapter 7 – The Treatment Of Man:
The Differences With The Woman
Chapter 8 – Dental Marking
The Gummy Smile Bruxism
Chapter 9 - Advanced Tecniques
Over The Wrinkle - Eyebrow Brow Lifting
The Revitalization With Btxa
Appendix 1 – The Informed Consent
Appendix 2 – Sheet Products Marketing
Chapter 2 – Mimic Facial Muscles And Espressiveness
Chapter 3 – Physiology Of Muscle Contraction
And Mechanism Of Action
Chapter 4 – Diluition And Preparation
Chapter 5 – Injection Technique
The Upper Third Of The Face
- The Forehead
- The Glabella
- The Periocular Wrinkles
The Middle Third Of The Face
- The Tip Of The Sagging Nose
- The Bunny Lines
- The Cheek Mesolift
The Lower Third Of The Face
- The Mouth And The “Bar Code” Wrinkles
- The Chin
- The Mandibular Border
- The Neck
Chapter 6 – Axillary Hyperidrosis, Of The Palms and Soles
Chapter 7 – The Treatment Of Man:
The Differences With The Woman
Chapter 8 – Dental Marking
The Gummy Smile Bruxism
Chapter 9 - Advanced Tecniques
Over The Wrinkle - Eyebrow Brow Lifting
The Revitalization With Btxa
Appendix 1 – The Informed Consent
Appendix 2 – Sheet Products Marketing