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Redaelli, Alessio und Frédéric Braccini::
Medical Rhinoplasty. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice,
Preis: 89,00 Euro
Verlag: Firenze, Officina Editoriale Oltrarno Firenze
Erscheinungsdatum: 12/2010
Seiten: figs., tabs., 142 pp.,
ISBN-10: 88-905033-3-5
ISBN-13: 9788890503337
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Die Leseprobe zum durchblättern.
Medical Rhinoplasty. Basic Principles and Clinical Practice,
Preis: 89,00 Euro
Verlag: Firenze, Officina Editoriale Oltrarno Firenze
Erscheinungsdatum: 12/2010
Seiten: figs., tabs., 142 pp.,
ISBN-10: 88-905033-3-5
ISBN-13: 9788890503337
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Die Leseprobe zum durchblättern.
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The nose! How important is this organ in the face? Have we ever paused a moment to think about it? Smell is a sense of fundamental importance in our whole life, from birth, when it allows the young ones of all species to immediately recognize their mother until death. Its importance in facial aesthetics is clear to everybody, patients and physicians, since it is a central organ related to all the other structures of the face. But how does the "beautiful and perfect" nose look like? Although it is not possible to bring the nasal aesthetics back to reasonably sure rules, as it often depends on small and various peculiarities (some noses are often definitely "interesting" in their imperfection), there is a concept of "harmony" which is universally accepted and allows us to offer our patients the corrections on a scientific well codified basis.
The "rationale" in medicine, and even more in aesthetic medicine and surgery, should always be evident and clear. Only from a clear rationale we can get some choices shared between doctor and patient. For these reasons, the correction of nasal defects are one of the measures requested by the patients to the aesthetic plastic surgeons, and correction of nasal defects is now a field of surgical medicine. There is no doubt that in recent years there has been a huge increase in the correction of other facial blemishes that the patients request to refine. Once the refinement of the blemishes was a privilege of surgery, such as those relating to the facial wrinkles which today remain among the most frequently requested. In fact, facial wrinkles actively contribute to the general appearance of the face, which can be more or less aged, and to the expression of personality and they particularly show the passage of time and some details of patients' lives.
The aging of the nose, in contrast, does not result in the appearance of wrinkles, which slip into the background when we look at the face and particularly at the nose: their contribution to the aesthetics of the nose is evident only in the case of hyperactivity of some muscular groups in relation to the facial expressions. The nose ages especially because some small details change over time: the tip tends to fall; skin and subcutaneous tissue, which are already very thin in this area of the body and especially on the bridge of the nose, become thinner; the nasolabial angle is reduced, while the distance between the nasal spine and upper lip increases. These details make a nose even older. As we often say in our courses, the true age of a person can be seen from hands, neck and nose ...!
The classical treatment of nasal deformities, as we said, almost always passes through the surgery and although some problems can be solved with a mini-invasive surgery, however, surgical rhinoplasty is certainly a traumatic intervention and it potentially leads to a number of important side effects. This massive increase in minimally invasive medical treatments along with the advent of absolutely safe materials, which are long-lasting especially on the nose, as we shall see, brought us a few years ago to propose and publish our experience in the correction of certain defects in the nasal profile with a medical methodology, which is less than "minimally invasive". It is easy to perform and, if it is well learned in detail, can lead to fast and, at times, amazing results! Some situations or actions that would be strictly surgical nowadays can be avoided. Even in these situations, where surgical treatment is indicated but when the patient does not agree with it, where there are high risks during the intervention and in many other situations, a medical treatment appears to be justified and the concept of aesthetic medicine, combining injections of botulinum toxin and other materials which are usually absorbable, finds their full application. But the questions of patients are becoming more numerous and now they are also concerning absolutely minimal defects that surgery would never correct, but very often patients are feeling their defects very highly and they carry out for years the frustration of not being able to do anything: today everything is different, with a few well-conducted actions the nose immediately and miraculously changes and becomes a straight nose or even a snub nose!
Not to mention all those little post surgical defects, which require difficult and demanding reoperations that can sometimes be corrected with these easy techniques.
But the medical rhinoplasty finds a clear indication especially in the rejuvenation of an aging nose.
The "rationale" in medicine, and even more in aesthetic medicine and surgery, should always be evident and clear. Only from a clear rationale we can get some choices shared between doctor and patient. For these reasons, the correction of nasal defects are one of the measures requested by the patients to the aesthetic plastic surgeons, and correction of nasal defects is now a field of surgical medicine. There is no doubt that in recent years there has been a huge increase in the correction of other facial blemishes that the patients request to refine. Once the refinement of the blemishes was a privilege of surgery, such as those relating to the facial wrinkles which today remain among the most frequently requested. In fact, facial wrinkles actively contribute to the general appearance of the face, which can be more or less aged, and to the expression of personality and they particularly show the passage of time and some details of patients' lives.
The aging of the nose, in contrast, does not result in the appearance of wrinkles, which slip into the background when we look at the face and particularly at the nose: their contribution to the aesthetics of the nose is evident only in the case of hyperactivity of some muscular groups in relation to the facial expressions. The nose ages especially because some small details change over time: the tip tends to fall; skin and subcutaneous tissue, which are already very thin in this area of the body and especially on the bridge of the nose, become thinner; the nasolabial angle is reduced, while the distance between the nasal spine and upper lip increases. These details make a nose even older. As we often say in our courses, the true age of a person can be seen from hands, neck and nose ...!
The classical treatment of nasal deformities, as we said, almost always passes through the surgery and although some problems can be solved with a mini-invasive surgery, however, surgical rhinoplasty is certainly a traumatic intervention and it potentially leads to a number of important side effects. This massive increase in minimally invasive medical treatments along with the advent of absolutely safe materials, which are long-lasting especially on the nose, as we shall see, brought us a few years ago to propose and publish our experience in the correction of certain defects in the nasal profile with a medical methodology, which is less than "minimally invasive". It is easy to perform and, if it is well learned in detail, can lead to fast and, at times, amazing results! Some situations or actions that would be strictly surgical nowadays can be avoided. Even in these situations, where surgical treatment is indicated but when the patient does not agree with it, where there are high risks during the intervention and in many other situations, a medical treatment appears to be justified and the concept of aesthetic medicine, combining injections of botulinum toxin and other materials which are usually absorbable, finds their full application. But the questions of patients are becoming more numerous and now they are also concerning absolutely minimal defects that surgery would never correct, but very often patients are feeling their defects very highly and they carry out for years the frustration of not being able to do anything: today everything is different, with a few well-conducted actions the nose immediately and miraculously changes and becomes a straight nose or even a snub nose!
Not to mention all those little post surgical defects, which require difficult and demanding reoperations that can sometimes be corrected with these easy techniques.
But the medical rhinoplasty finds a clear indication especially in the rejuvenation of an aging nose.
Chapter 1 - History of Rhinoplasty
Chapter 2 - Anatomical Bases
Chapter 3 - Study of the patient and photography
Chapter 4 - Artistic approach for rhinoplasty
Chapter 5 - Botulinum Toxin: How, when and why
Chapter 6 - Nasal sculpture with filler
Chapter 7 - Indications
Chapter 8 - Contraindications
Chapter 9 - Medical-legal aspects and conclusions
Chapter 2 - Anatomical Bases
Chapter 3 - Study of the patient and photography
Chapter 4 - Artistic approach for rhinoplasty
Chapter 5 - Botulinum Toxin: How, when and why
Chapter 6 - Nasal sculpture with filler
Chapter 7 - Indications
Chapter 8 - Contraindications
Chapter 9 - Medical-legal aspects and conclusions
Alessio Redaelli
He graduated in Medicine at the University of Milan in 1979 and specialized in vascular surgery at the same University in 1984 with honours and praise. He obtained a diploma at the "Agora" school of aesthetic medicine in Milan, He works as a freelancer with the major private hospitals in Milan, and he is a consultant for vascular surgery and aesthetic medicine at the Visconti di Modrone Medical Centre in Milan. He has been a speaker, moderator and chairman in several Italian and international conferences concerning aesthetic medicine and phlebology. He has published several scientific papers concerning phlebology and aesthetic medicine. He is a co-founder of the "Medical Aesthetic", a medical training Society. He is head of research for the SIES. He teaches in some important Italian and Foreign schools of aesthetic medicine and he regularly organizes courses for doctors. He is lecturer and member of the Scientific Committee of the Master's Degree in "Aesthetics of oral and perioral tissues in dentistry" - Dental Clinic (Director G.A. Favero) - University of Padua and Adjunct Professor at the same university. He is lecturer and member of the Scientific Committee of the Master's Degree (Level II) in "Aesthetics of oral and perioral tissues in dentistry" - Dental Clinic (Director G.A. Favero) - University of Padua and Adjunct Professor at the same university.
Frederic Braccini
He graduated at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Marseille. Senior Intern, hospital assistant and clinical head physician.Freelancer in Nice and Paris. International expert in aesthetic medicine and surgery. Co-director of ENT & FPS (Nice, France). Member of the American Hospital of Paris. Secretary of communication at the French Society of Facial Plastic Surgery. Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. He has published numerous scientific articles and books related to facial plastic surgery.
He graduated in Medicine at the University of Milan in 1979 and specialized in vascular surgery at the same University in 1984 with honours and praise. He obtained a diploma at the "Agora" school of aesthetic medicine in Milan, He works as a freelancer with the major private hospitals in Milan, and he is a consultant for vascular surgery and aesthetic medicine at the Visconti di Modrone Medical Centre in Milan. He has been a speaker, moderator and chairman in several Italian and international conferences concerning aesthetic medicine and phlebology. He has published several scientific papers concerning phlebology and aesthetic medicine. He is a co-founder of the "Medical Aesthetic", a medical training Society. He is head of research for the SIES. He teaches in some important Italian and Foreign schools of aesthetic medicine and he regularly organizes courses for doctors. He is lecturer and member of the Scientific Committee of the Master's Degree in "Aesthetics of oral and perioral tissues in dentistry" - Dental Clinic (Director G.A. Favero) - University of Padua and Adjunct Professor at the same university. He is lecturer and member of the Scientific Committee of the Master's Degree (Level II) in "Aesthetics of oral and perioral tissues in dentistry" - Dental Clinic (Director G.A. Favero) - University of Padua and Adjunct Professor at the same university.
Frederic Braccini
He graduated at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Marseille. Senior Intern, hospital assistant and clinical head physician.Freelancer in Nice and Paris. International expert in aesthetic medicine and surgery. Co-director of ENT & FPS (Nice, France). Member of the American Hospital of Paris. Secretary of communication at the French Society of Facial Plastic Surgery. Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. He has published numerous scientific articles and books related to facial plastic surgery.